5 Ways to Stay Active At Home

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By: Nycole Olsen 

April 9, 2020 

As we approach the 3 week mark of practicing social distancing and acclimating to the “at-home lifestyle”, most of us are finding it hard to stay active and maintain healthy habits. So, we've compiled 5 easy ways to remain active while practicing social distancing to keep you healthy and happy during this uncertain time. 

Walking/ Running

Grab your pup and head out around the neighborhood.This is one of the easiest ways to get outdoors, stay local, and get those steps in! Remember to maintain social distancing if encountering others; cross the street, or get off to the side and let others pass. It’s important to stay active, but make sure we are also staying safe!

Bike Riding 

Wind in your face, cardio with ease, sunset peering through the trees-- and the best part, you HAVE to stay a safe distance or your fellow riders aren't going to be too happy! So, grab that bike in the garage, sweep off the spider webs, and get those tires (and legs) burning! 

Virtual At- Home Workouts 

Your health doesn't make any excuses, and neither will we! From Piyo, Tai Chih, and Yoga, to arms, chest and leg workouts. Pinnacle is offering exclusive access to a variety of daily online classes to keep you active. Continue to build relationships with fellow members, and let's face it, give us all the kick in the butt we need to get off the couch and WORK! Come join us today!

Backyard Sports (Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Catch, etc.)

This is a great way for the family to get outside and all get their workouts in! From soccer, basketball, and volleyball, to badminton and baseball, the possibilities are endless! Now is the time to break out the sports equipment and grab the family for some outdoor fun! 

Cleaning. Yes, Cleaning! 

Yes, this sounds ridiculous, but cleaning actually activates muscles in the body you wouldn't even think of! From rowing the vacuum back and forth, to moving that couch we have been avoiding forever, this is a great way to stay active during the day and plus, you’re getting that spring cleaning out of the way.  

There are so many ways we can stay off the couch, out of the snack cabinet, and away from the screens. It’s time to get creative and continue to motivate and inspire one another to reach our personal peak everyday.. So let’s continue growing stronger together, even when apart! Be sure to like, share, or comment to keep your friends and family healthy and happy during this time!