New Year, New Heights
I am so excited, humbled and honored (and a little nervous) to have been asked by Pinnacle to start a yoga blog. It's been a couple of months now since the initial asking and my mind is racing! (Yes, very un-yoga like, but for those who know me, very common.) I definitely do not know everything there is to know about yoga but I’m looking forward to learning together.
Yoga is mind, body and spirit; it can be practiced on the mat or off the mat. It can be a total lifestyle or you can choose how you want to integrate it into your life. I welcome comments and questions! Any way you would like to contribute; I would love to incorporate it into the blog. I do this for you, so I definitely want your feedback!
What I love about yoga is; it doesn't matter where you’re at in your life, you can start your yoga journey at any time. I remember my first yoga class, I was in my mid thirties (yes, a mere few years ago, LOL) For me it was all about the physical practice, but the more classes I took, branching out with different teachers and different styles of yoga, the more I grew and continue to grow. The more you practice and expand your boundaries the more you will learn about yourself; not just physically, but on a deeper level as well. My goal is always to be of service and hold a safe space for my students, reminding you always that it should feel like an invitation and not an obligation to come to your mat and move through the practice. Wherever you are in your yoga journey you should feel at ease and comfortable and most importantly welcomed.
As we move forward in this together let us remember Patanjali’s first Yoga Sutra “and now, the practice of yoga begins”
I wish you all, love light laughter, health and happiness - Namaste,